AutogenGUI Install and Usage Instructions.

Instructions for my GUI frontend based on Autogen:

  1. Open a terminal and enter `git clone`
  2. Enter `cd AutogenGUI`
  3. Now navigate to the version you want to run, for example `cd 3AgentGC`
  4. Make a virtual environment with `python3 -m venv venv`
  5. Activate the virtual environment with `source venv/bin/activate`
  6. Install the requirements with `pip install -r requirements.txt`
  7. Run the GUI with `python3`, this second part of this command will vary depending on which script you're running

  8. Great, you should now see this:

    AutogenGUI script opened with nothing running and nothing modified

So now you have the application running, but it needs an openAI compatible backend before you will be able to use it. I personally use OobaBooga, install and usage instructions are on the linked github but you proabably want to run it with the command `./ --api --listen`. Change the `./start_linux` command based on the operating system you're on there are Windows and MacOS ones in there too, the flags should be the same for all three. Then enter the gradio which will be linked in the terminal and load a model in the model tab!

Now you're ready to fill out the fields and off you go, it should look something like this:

AutogenGUI script opened with a backend running and a model loaded

Good luck, thanks and enjoy!

> End of output.